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Mission Arrangements

A Question I Often Ask Myself,

"What Am I Doing?".


What Am I doing? An odd question to be asking your self after that fact. Yet I along with other interns that had traveled across the Atlantic Ocean, popped out of a metal tube and found our selves in a totally different atmosphere where we (Mostly Me) sat in awe of where we had just landed. One of my first thoughts was recognizing that God had just answered so many prayers all at once and half of them I hadn't even mentioned in a prayer yet. From waking up one morning in the states to actually driving from the Bulgarian airport looking at the Vitosha Mountains was a mind blowing experience. I had never left my own country before. I had moved plenty of times around my own country and seen many strange and extreme differences. But somehow a simple 2 hr drive to our destination for the night was astounding to me.

Several months prior to graduating Cosmetology school and then some months later, proved to be a long and trying time, in regards to finding and investing in a substancial period of time to be on a mission. At some point during the process I had concluded that I wasn't actually going to make it to Bulgaria until the trip was over and it was history.

Yet even though it was a struggle to finally get there I new once I was, that every struggle that happened and every struggle I would encounter on this trip was all in the planing and timing of God's Will. A great sense of peace and excitement overwhelmed me. It was probably after the first week that I stood on the back patio of our 10th story apartment in the late night and looked out over the lit city (picture up top is view from back patio) looking back from what I learned in just one weeks time. Myself and my new friends/interns I'm sure felt the same way I did. That we had just opened a door that would never allow us to look at life the same way. At the moment I remember feeling like I had just done something crazy. Yet even though I new I would face a lot of growth in a short amount of time, God's peace took a still path through my soul.


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