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Letter Of Request

Dear Friends,

I am eager to announce some great new developments. As most of you know, I have had an ever-increasing desire to do ministry work in Bulgaria. Ever since returning from my first internship from Sofia, Bulgaria in 2016 my thoughts and prayers have been to return to Bulgaria to use my gifts and talents to further the kingdom of Christ.

The picture I wish to paint for you is a place rich in history and culture, if the mountains had a voice they would continually be singing of the splendors of Christ and His creation; a people so family oriented and founded by hundreds of years of traditions. As much as the grandeur of this hidden gem takes my breath away, a much more revealing presence has left on me a heavy and invisible burden.

Brothers and Sisters, the Gospel of Christ crucified is more precious than gold, more valuable than diamonds. My burden is to get the “Good News” out! My heart bursts to think that Jesus Christ came for such a person like me, sick, broken and utterly condemned. Because of this realization in my own life, I have found my heart becoming tender to those who also suffer from the same condition, sin.

I hope to use the tools that God has supplied me to minister to my sisters who have experienced the degrading and violent side of human trafficking. And by other means of application, I hope to be a witness to the people of Sofia.

I am urgently requesting your support, financially and prayerfully. I have been asked to join alongside the team that has been in Sofia for over 10 years. And see no reason to delay their request. I need a total of $42,000 before I can return to Bulgaria for a year's length of time. I ask the person reading this, that you prayerfully consider supporting me. My hope is to be there the 3rd Week of August.

I hope that my family in Christ is encouraged to hear that the Kingdom is advancing and God is using the body of Christ according to the to His grand design. It would be my privilege to share with you the details of this endeavor, all the while sharing how you and I can work together being the hands and feet to the truth and Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please send me!

If you have any questions or have come to a conclusion and if you desire to support this ministry, please contact me. I would be thrilled to meet in person or by other means available:


Phone: (307)438-2697

Your Sister In Christ- Alyssa Stong

To learn more about the organization I will be serving with-

Go To:

Go To: meet the Team,

Look for: Alyssa Strong #17285


English Camp 2016
Bulgarian Monastery

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